Goat, glowsticks, yoga and more! All ages are welcome to this unique event. Exclusive to Goatopia, and Main St Cafe and Lounge, you will get the oppertunity to cuddle, dance and take selfies with the fully vaccinated dwarf goats. Maybe you would like to try a quick yoga pose and take a photo. Special guest of Bon Soo will be joining us, and take a selfie with him and the goats. Dress comfortable and ready to have fun 🙂 These goats are sure to make you happy and they are very highly trained so no worries of little ones getting hurt. Kids and adults welcome.
Cost: $33.28 for adults, $11.98 for children aged 15 and under
Date: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025
Time: 6-7PM
Location: Mane Street Cafe & Lounge
Notes: Please purchase your tickets here https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bon-soo-dwarf-goat-glow-dance-party-tickets-1131429489059?aff=oddtdtcreator