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526 Results / Page 30 of 59


Boys – This Week @ MISTER DISC

theBorderline 16 December 2022

WE ARE NOT YOUR TYPICAL MUSIC GROUP. Each Monday a theme for music posts is chosen and members find music that fit it. Please promote us and add in all your music loving friends. Mister Disc Music Group on Facebook. “A boy inside every man.” Boys Rolling Stones – Jumpin’ […]

Sev's Cellar
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Sev’s Cellar – Doug Wilde

theBorderline 15 December 2022

Doug was born into a musical family and raised in Sault Ste. Marie Ontario. His father, Bob Wilde played jazz bass and piano, his brother Jim Wilde became a choir director/composer and multi instrumentalist. Sister Pat lost out on the nasty battles for time at the piano and decided to […]


Radio Italia w/ Nino & Ada (13)

Nino & Ada 11 December 2022

Programmma 13 Canzoni d’amore e di gioia per un paese delle meraviglie invernale che annuncia l’arrivo di Babbo Natale. Mentre anticipiamo la nevicata di un giorno di Natale, condividiamo pensieri di amici e persone care, in patria e all’estero. Songs of love and joy for a winter wonderland heralding the […]

The Soo JukeBox Memories
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Soo JukeBox Memories E3

theBorderline 10 December 2022

ON TODAY’S EDITION International Bridge. CJIC. Steel City Motors. Searchmont Railway Station. Old City Jail. Algonquin Hotel. Algoma Battalion 119th. Streetcars. Paper Mill. Porter the Train. The Smallest House in The Soo. More…. A trip down The Soo’s memory lane through the eyes of citizens of its storied city. Throw […]


Radio Italia w/ Nino & Ada (12)

Nino & Ada 4 December 2022

Programmma 12 Una scaletta per le persone in vena di donare, come quando sembra che il Natale sia alle porte. La stagione richiede gioia, pace, amore e pensieri degli altri. A setlist for the people in the mood to be giving, like when it feels like Christmas is at the […]

The Soo JukeBox Memories
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Soo JukeBox Memories E2

Brian Tremblay 3 December 2022

ON TODAY’S EDITION Model Dairy. Eaton’s. Mary’s Lunch. Fifth Line Speedway. Sandy’s Drive-In. Queen Elizabeth Harness Racing. Biagini Studio. Soo Greyhounds 1985. Peachy’s Tavern. General Hospital. More…. A trip down The Soo’s memory lane through the eyes of citizens of its storied city. Throw a quarter in the jukebox and […]