Covers – This Week @ MISTER DISC
Mister Disc Music Group on Facebook. WE ARE NOT YOUR TYPICAL MUSIC GROUP. Each Monday a theme for music posts is chosen and members find music that fit it. Please […]
Now Playing on The Borderline
The New Normal – Why Do People Die Maria Iuliano with Fidgal
Kelly J. Godson – Under The Midnight Sun Lisa Tucker
Seasons – This Week @ MISTER DISC theBorderline
Mister Disc Music Group on Facebook. WE ARE NOT YOUR TYPICAL MUSIC GROUP. Each Monday a theme for music posts is chosen and members find music that fit it. Please promote us and add in all your music loving friends.
“We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed
Were just seasons out of time”
Mister Disc Music Group on Facebook. WE ARE NOT YOUR TYPICAL MUSIC GROUP. Each Monday a theme for music posts is chosen and members find music that fit it. Please […]