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Kalle Mattson & Jimmie Chiverelli – The Smart As Trees Podcast: Special Edition

theBorderline 13 April 2021 790 127 4

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Kalle Mattson and Jimmie Chiverelli catch up on a visit at the 10th anniversary of Anchors.

Kalle Mattson has performed both as the leader of an eponymous band and beginning as a solo artist in 2009. Two years later, Kalle Mattson solo had grown into a full band that featured Saulites Rory Lewis, Thean Slabbert, and Jimmie Chiverelli on drums. The band released Anchors the album that year on April 13th, 2011.

Jimmie interview chats with Kalle about creating that album; they bring up some individuals that helped in the process – Blue Rodeo, Howie Beck and Olenka among them – and what Kalle is up to, now ten years down the road with his new group, Summersets.

Contact: kallemattson.com/

 “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.”


Kalle Mattson

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