Soo JukeBox Memories E24
ON TODAY’S EDITION Franklin Carmichael. Ron Francis. Robert Carmichael. George Jonescu. Bob Wood. More…. A trip down The Soo’s memory lane through the eyes of citizens of its storied city. […]
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Soo JukeBox Memories E25 Brian Tremblay
Frank Johnston. Matt Ravlich. Debbie Lori Kaye. Bob Yeomans. Jim Ralph. More….
A trip down The Soo’s memory lane through the eyes of citizens of its storied city. Throw a quarter in the jukebox and travel back in time.
Roy Brown – Rockin’ At Midnight
Paper Lace – The Night Chicago Died
Debbie Lori Kaye – Could That Be Me
Jackson Hawke – You Can’t Dance
Sam Cooke – Having a Party
Host: Brian Tremblay
ON TODAY’S EDITION Franklin Carmichael. Ron Francis. Robert Carmichael. George Jonescu. Bob Wood. More…. A trip down The Soo’s memory lane through the eyes of citizens of its storied city. […]
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