The New Normal – Meeting Fidgal
s1.e1: MEETING FIDGAL Maria is 5-years old when she meets Fidgal , when she is declared clinically dead on the operating table, at Toronto Sick Children’s Hospital. Fidgal introduces Maria […]
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The New Normal – EGO Maria Iuliano with Fidgal
The New Normal – Judgement Maria Iuliano with Fidgal
A decision that weighed facts and brought down by a court of law is one. An opinion formed by less than the facts and by personal beliefs is another. Judgement is unavoidable in the learning world. Maria, with Fidgal, have some insight on the good and the bad of making judgements.
THE NEW NORMAL PODCAST – Maria Iuliano with Fidgal
Maria guides a successful business called Fidgal, named after Maria’s guardian angel. They met when Maria was 5 years old.
Maria is a Peace Therapist, graduated with Honours in Peace and Conflict Studies from Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology. With this knowledge, along with her expertise in the afterlife and her ability to see auras, Maria helps others find and create peace in their lives.
Visit: fidgal.com
“People who judge you will leave you. Those who don’t judge you will always be there for you.”
– fidgal
Tagged as: Peace, Judgement, Angels, Spirituality, Paranormal, Fashyne, Channelling, Medium.
Maria Iuliano with Fidgal 11 June 2024
s1.e1: MEETING FIDGAL Maria is 5-years old when she meets Fidgal , when she is declared clinically dead on the operating table, at Toronto Sick Children’s Hospital. Fidgal introduces Maria […]
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