Michael Yurich – Hollywood Ain’ta Calling
He says it’s because Hollywood Ain’ta Calling that Michael Yurich pays us another visit, bringing some new material with him. We get the straight goods on his creative process and […]
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Mark Diotallevi – By turning Medicine into Music, and Music into Medicine.
Visit: www.musicamedici.com
Video – Platinum Skies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-lfAjwevLI
Mark Diotallevi is a retired family doctor living in Stratford, Ontario. He has practiced Medicine since age 30 and has practiced music since age 4. Being a successful family doctor means opening yourself up to deep, trusting relationships with patients. Most of all this means listening to them: their problems, fears, symptoms, and secrets, and then trying not to make them any worse. Musica Medici is a place to process 35 years of intense experiences and to understand what my patients have taught me.
“Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.”
– Debasish Mridha
He says it’s because Hollywood Ain’ta Calling that Michael Yurich pays us another visit, bringing some new material with him. We get the straight goods on his creative process and […]
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