The New Normal – EGO
Episode 29: EGO The ego is a fantasy, an illusion that is part of the logical mind. That is the way Maria and Fidgal describe the ego. Its primary role […]
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Episode 31: SOUL FRIENDS
.Time spent on Earth is a challenging test and without friends, would be near impossible. Friendships, often though, do get complicated. Maria and Fidgal look at the different kinds of friendship we all have and go deep into a level of rare friendship. Are we talking soul friends? Yes we are.
Maria guides a successful business called Fidgal, named after Maria’s guardian angel. They met when Maria was 5 years old.
Maria is a Peace Therapist, graduated with Honours in Peace and Conflict Studies from Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology. With this knowledge, along with her expertise in the afterlife and her ability to see auras, Maria helps others find and create peace in their lives.
Visit: fidgal.com
“Your Book of Life is where your soul is embedded into human form…”
Tagged as: Angels, Spirituality, Paranormal, Fashyne, Channelling, Medium, Peace, SoulFriends.
Maria Iuliano with Fidgal 23 April 2024
Episode 29: EGO The ego is a fantasy, an illusion that is part of the logical mind. That is the way Maria and Fidgal describe the ego. Its primary role […]
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