The Saddler’s Post – Trent Peterson
Saddlers & leather workers from around the world join host Christian Lowe to share stories and secrets on the leather trade and the art and life of making, repairing, and […]
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The Saddler’s Post – Paul Van Dyke Christian Lowe
Paul Van Dyke says his interest in good horses and gear began early in life so it was no surprise that this interest led him to his eventual career. Two saddlery apprenticeships, under Ron Silverman and Don Butler respectively, finely developed his skills as a horseman. Paul credits working with different horsemen, cowboying and starting colts as foundational to his success.
In May 2004 Paul followed his passion and officially struck out into the business on his own; making, using and showing quality stock horses. Most months find him at home near Sheridan, Wyoming starting colts, but a key part of the business sees him traveling across the country starting colts for different breeders. Paul is often found out in the hills, on the ranch, or day working, using his horses in situations that only genuine cowboy work can do to develop them. The winter months are the time he uses to build custom saddles in his shop.
Paul has a deep respect and love for the horse trade and it gives him great satisfaction to go to a branding, see a horse he started quietly dragging calves and then turn to see a good hand riding one of his saddles.
A unique blend of soap, oils, beeswax and the wonderful properties of tea tree prepared in small batches in our studio located in Southern Ontario.
Saddlers & leather workers from around the world join host Christian Lowe to share stories and secrets on the leather trade and the art and life of making, repairing, and […]
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