Kaitlyn Watson
Kaitlyn Watson is the Senior Reference Technician at the Sault Ste. Marie Public Library and joins the podcast to remind us why the library is a smart option. Support Your […]
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MaryEllen Perlini Lisa Tucker
MaryEllen found herself in a terrible funk in a sea of depressing thoughts during the endless pandemic. Then, one day she observed a parking lot attendant, found inspiration, and suddenly she became a first-time author. That chance sighting has led to a burgeoning career as a writer.
This book is about finding inspiration in a person, situation, or an event that can influence your life for the better. The author of this book hopes you find healthy options that allow you to feel confident, enthusiastic, and put a spring in your step to be the best version of yourself.
“There are people who help you and people who hurt you. You keep the former. You keep the former until they become the latter and hope that you never hurt the former.”
Nafkote Tamirat – the parking lot attendant
Kaitlyn Watson is the Senior Reference Technician at the Sault Ste. Marie Public Library and joins the podcast to remind us why the library is a smart option. Support Your […]
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