Sev’s Cellar – Alex Radeff & Donkey
Alex Radeff is a Toronto based singer/songwriter/guitarist who is best known for fronting the eclectic, original project Donkey, which has been a consistent fixture live and in the studio in […]
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Sev’s Cellar – Donné Roberts theBorderline
Sev’s Cellar – Donné Roberts theBorderline
Donné Roberts is a singer-songwriter, guitarist, music producer, music consultant, grant writer, music mentor and guitar teacher.
He was born in Madagascar, raised and educated in the USSR (Russia), speaks Malagasy, Russian, French, and English. From touring as a backup singer for Ace of Base, to a stint as the first black VJ on MTV Russia, Donne has led a prolific and varied artistic life since he left his home country as a boy. He first came to wider recognition in his adopted home of Canada with the release of his albums – Rhythm Was Born, Internation, and Onward, his collaborations with African Guitar Summit, the Okavango African Orchestra, Amanda Martinez, Sultans of String and more.
Visit: donneroberts.ca
Donné Roberts
“To get lost is to learn the way.”
African proverb
“SEV’S CELLAR” // with Sev Micron
A classically trained musician with a penchant for the punk music. Sev has played in numerous bands, on keyboards, drums and voice. Tulpa, with John Bottomley, holds a special place and so do the rock punkers, Throbbin’ Hoods. Sneaking up on 40 years of experience in a variety of mediums, Sev Micron engineers Muzicare Productions and has produced a good number of indie artists. Songwriting is another of Sev’s many and considerable talents.
And it wouldn’t be right to not mention that Sev loves animals, dogs especially (hi Bela), and that cooking is a forte! Peace and love are big fans, too.
theBorderline 15 September 2022
Alex Radeff is a Toronto based singer/songwriter/guitarist who is best known for fronting the eclectic, original project Donkey, which has been a consistent fixture live and in the studio in […]
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