The New Normal – Angel Religion
S3.E24: ANGEL RELIGION There are many religions in the world and what and why an individual believes in a higher power forms a basis for every religion. many well known […]
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The New Normal – New Education Maria Iuliano with Fidgal
In seeking knowledge we process information in a certain way and when it is learned, we then call it education. The few steps required to get educated on virtually any matter are fraught with challenges to the common sense. Maria with Fidgal express the view, today teaches a new education, but the challenges being faced are being met in failure of spirit, and therefore the new education needs a serious re-thinking. Does the new education need a new education? And how is that done?
THE NEW NORMAL PODCAST – Maria Iuliano with Fidgal
Maria guides a successful business called Fidgal, named after Maria’s guardian angel. They met when Maria was 5 years old.
Maria is a Peace Therapist, graduated with Honours in Peace and Conflict Studies from Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology. With this knowledge, along with her expertise in the afterlife and her ability to see auras, Maria helps others find and create peace in their lives.
“I control my own education.”
– fidgal
Tagged as: Channelling, Medium, education, Peace, Angels, Spirituality, Paranormal, Fashyne.
Maria Iuliano with Fidgal 7 November 2023
S3.E24: ANGEL RELIGION There are many religions in the world and what and why an individual believes in a higher power forms a basis for every religion. many well known […]